Want your products to stand out?
These Soxhlet Style Extractors were exclusively built and used for all Evolved Alchemy’s products to start. With this type of equipment, we are able to have more control and safety in making botanical extracts of any nature, for any product. We are now offering our custom built systems to the public so you can make some of the most advanced extracts on the market too.
150L Complete Extraction System$30,000.00
150 Liter Distiller$20,233.00
50 Liter Extraction & Recovery System$12,000.00
150 Liter Extraction Vessel$7,697.00
Soxhlet Extractor Pro$6,200.00
50 Liter Extraction Vessel$4,438.00
Cold Trap$2,200.00
Vacuum Regulator$1,500.00
20″ Glass Extraction Column for Soxhlet Extractor Pro$620.00
10″ Glass Recovery Column for Soxhlet Extractor Pro$520.00