Blue Lotus Spagyric Elixir




Introducing a special preparation of the Sacred Lily of the Nile – AKA The Egyptian Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) using only STAMENS!

This batch is made using whole organic stamen from Sri Lanka. We purchase these stamens at the peak of harvest season, ensuring a complete floral profile of this sacred and special flower.

The spagyric preparation creates a unique compound that is highly active as a mood enhancing, mind altering aphrodisiac. It goes great paired with wine, kombucha or any other delicious beverage. Highly intoxicating, somewhat euphoric in high doses and a strong aphrodisiac – adding more awareness and creativity with sexual energy.

Our Spagyric Elixir is made by combining the alcohol soluble compounds and then reacting them with the minerals found in the burned and calcined mark. This is a method described by Frater Albertus as the ‘First Order Elixir’. The tincture is refluxed to unify the oils (soul) with the minerals (body). We then re-dissolve the spagyric extract in alcohol and water and add in some raw organic honey to sweeten the tincture for a delicious medicinal experience.

Each 1 oz Bottle contains 7.5 Grams of Organic Honey and 3.5 Grams of Blue Lotus Stamens.

Dosage is 1-3 Droppers creating an uplifting and relaxing effect. Great for use as a calming tincture and can be used as an aphrodisiac with your loved ones. Add to a drink or cocktail for an exotic drink experience.

Additional information

Weight 3 oz


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