After a year of meticulous research and development making our own authentic organic alcohol absolutes from real Siberian and Mongolian musk deer pods, ambergris, and castoreum sustainably sourced from ‘sibermusk’ in Siberia; we have created one of the worlds only authentic line of musks that contain zero synthetics! In fact they contain many organic and finely sourced ingredients.
In addition to these authentic sources being highly rare scents, they also contain real animal pheromones which have mystical, mythological and medicinal uses throughout history dating all the way back to ancient egypt. We intended on making our fragrances safe on the skin but also safe to ingest – with interesting effects you wont find in any other musk. Each blend is a is a complex aroma of fine essential oils from around the world combined with in-house made organic cane alcohol absolutes.

Mayan Warrior
This Mayan inspired blend combines Siberian deer musk, fresh pressed cacao seed pod oil, ambergris, sandalwood, organic tobacco, organic vanilla, Bulgarian Rose, fossilized amber and hints of castoreum to create a musky, floral, feral, chocolate intoxicating – masculine scent.

Mayan Flower
This Mayan inspired blend combines Mongolian deer musk, fresh pressed cacao seed pod oil, white ambergris, sandalwood, vanilla and Bulgarian Rose for a deliciously intoxicating musky, chocolate, floral and sexy feminine scent.